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Seated Dancing Shiva Pose

Sit with your legs out in front of you and your spine straight. Bend your right knee and place the sole of your right foot against your left inner thigh. Then, exhale as you twist your torso to the right, placing your left elbow on the outside of your right knee.

Inhale as you lengthen through the crown of your head and then exhale as you twist a little further.

Shiva is one of the most popular Hindu deities and is often depicted in art as a seated figure with four arms. The Seated Dancing Shiva Pose is a common yoga pose that resembles this iconic image of Shiva. This pose is said to represent Shiva’s cosmic dance of creation and destruction.

It is also said to be a powerful detoxifying pose that can help to improve digestion and relieve constipation. To do the Seated Dancing Shiva Pose, start by sitting on your heels with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Then, place your hands on your thighs with your palms facing up.

From here, twist your torso to the right and reach your left arm behind you to grasp your right ankle. Hold for a few breaths, then repeat on the other side.


What is the Dancing Posture of Shiva?

In India, Shiva is known as the lord of dance. His dancing posture is called Tandava. It is a vigorous and powerful dance that symbolizes the cycle of creation, preservation, and destruction.

The Tandava is often performed by Shiva in order to destroy the universe and start anew.

How Do You Enter Shiva Pose?

In yoga, the term “asana” refers to a posture or position of the body. There are many different asanas, each with its own benefits. The Shiva pose is one such asana.

To enter the Shiva pose, start in a standing position with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Then, bend forward at the waist and place your palms on the ground in front of you. Next, walk your hands forward until your arms are straight and your head is resting on the ground between your hands.

Finally, extend your legs straight behind you so that only your palms and the top of your head are touching the ground. Hold this pose for as long as you can comfortable while breathing deeply.

In Which Pose is the Right Hand of Shiva Posed?

In the Hindu tradition, Shiva is often depicted with his right hand posed in a mudra (hand gesture). The most common mudra for Shiva is the abhaya mudra, in which his right hand is raised in a gesture of protection. Other common mudras for Shiva include the varada mudra (in which he extends his right hand in a gesture of granting boons) and the dhenu mudra (in which he supports his head with his right hand).

Shiva Pose Name

In yoga, the shiva pose is a restorative posture that is often used to relax the body and mind. This pose can be done by anyone, regardless of their level of experience with yoga. To begin, sit on your heels with your knees bent and your hands resting on your thighs.

Then, slowly lower your forehead to the floor and relax your entire body. Stay in this pose for as long as you like, focusing on deep breathing to help you relax further. When you’re ready to come out of the pose, simply sit up straight and take a few deep breaths before continuing with your day.

Dancing Shiva Pose Sanskrit

One of the most popular yoga poses is the Dancing Shiva Pose, also known as Natarajasana. This pose gets its name from the Hindu god Shiva, who is often depicted dancing in a circle of fire. The pose requires balance and concentration, and can be challenging for beginners.

However, once you get the hang of it, this pose can be very rewarding. This pose stretches the legs, back and sides of the body while strengthening the ankles, knees and core muscles. It also helps to improve balance and coordination.

In addition to these physical benefits, Natarajasana is said to help calm the mind and relieve stress. If you’re looking for a challenge, give this pose a try!

Shiva Pose Benefits

One of the many benefits of practicing yoga is that it helps to improve our flexibility and range of motion. One pose in particular that can help with this is known as the Shiva Pose, or Ardha Matsyendrasana. This pose gets its name from the Hindu deity Shiva, who is often depicted seated in this position.

The Shiva Pose is a great way to stretch out the spine, hips, and shoulders. It also massages and stimulates the organs in the abdominal area. This pose can be beneficial for those suffering from digestive issues or constipation.

If you have any back pain, this pose can help to relieve it by lengthening and decompressing the spine. To get into the Shiva Pose, start by sitting on your mat with your legs extended out in front of you. Bend your right knee and place your foot flat on the ground next to your left thigh.

Then, twist your torso to the right so that you are looking over your right shoulder. Place your left hand behind you on the mat for support, and reach your right arm around your body so that it rests on your left thigh. You can either keep your gaze up towards the sky or lower it down towards your left shoulder; whichever feels more comfortable for you.

Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds before slowly releasing and coming back to center.

Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana

Most people know Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana as Revolved Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose. It’s a great way to open up the hips and shoulders, and also lengthen the spine. The key to this pose is keeping the lifted leg strong and steady while you twist your torso.

Here’s how to do it: Begin in standing with your feet together. Bend your right knee and take hold of your right big toe with your first two fingers.

If you can’t reach your toe, use a strap around the ball of your foot. Pressing down into the pinky side of your foot, lift your leg up and back as you lengthen through your spine. Keep lifting until your thigh is parallel to the floor.

Then begin to twist from your bellybutton, looking over your right shoulder as you press down into left heel for support. Hold for 5-8 breaths then release back to standing and repeat on other side.

Shiva Squat Pose

Assuming you would like a blog post about the yoga pose known as the Shiva Squat Pose: The Shiva Squat Pose is named after the Hindu deity, Lord Shiva. The pose itself is very simple.

You simply squat down with your feet together and your hands in prayer position at your chest. However, this pose is said to have many benefits. For one, it helps to open up the hips and groin area.

This can be beneficial for those who sit all day or who have tightness in these areas. Additionally, it strengthens the thighs and knees while also aiding in digestion and relieving constipation. So if you’re looking for a simple but effective way to stretch out your hips and thighs, give the Shiva Squat Pose a try!

Shiva Pose Preparation

Shiva Pose is a restorative yoga pose that can be beneficial for many different types of people. It can help to improve digestion, relieve back pain, and increase flexibility in the spine. This pose gets its name from the Hindu god Shiva, who is often depicted in artwork as being in this position.

The best way to prepare for Shiva Pose is to first start by sitting in a comfortable position with your legs crossed. From here, slowly lean forward until your forehead touches the ground and your arms are extended out in front of you. You should remain in this position for at least 30 seconds, or longer if you feel comfortable doing so.


The Seated Dancing Shiva Pose is a great way to improve your flexibility and balance. This pose requires you to be in a seated position with your legs crossed. You will then need to raise your arms up above your head and bend forward at the waist.

You should feel a stretch in your back and hamstrings when you are in this position. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute before slowly returning to the starting position.


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