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Yoga of the Subtle Body

The Yoga of the Subtle Body is a type of yoga that emphasizes the subtle energy body and its relationship to the physical body. The goal of this type of yoga is to create balance and harmony between the two bodies.

In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali defines yoga as “the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.” This doesn’t mean that we should strive for a thought-free state, but rather that we should learn to control and focus our thoughts. The practice of yoga can help us to still our minds and better understand our true nature.

The subtle body is often compared to a map of the energetic channels in the body. These channels, or nadis, circulate prana (life force energy) throughout the body. There are said to be 72,000 nadis in total, with three main channels running through the center of the body: ida (left), pingala (right), and sushumna (central).

Yoga practices such as pranayama (breath control) and meditation can help to balance and calm the mind by regulating the flow of prana in the nadis. When this happens, we experience a sense of peace and well-being. We may also find ourselves better able to concentrate and focus our thoughts.

The subtle body is an important concept in yoga because it helps us to understand how our thoughts and emotions affect our physical bodies. By learning to control the flow of prana in our subtle bodies, we can begin to heal on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional.


What is the Subtle Body in Yoga?

In yoga, the subtle body is often referred to as the energy body. It is said to be made up of nadis, or energy channels, through which prana (life force energy) flows. The three main nadis are said to be ida, pingala and sushumna.

The subtle body is also said to contain chakras, or energy centres. There are seven main chakras in the yogic tradition, each associated with a different aspect of human experience. These are:

Muladhara (root chakra): Physical survival and security Svadhishthana (sacral chakra): Emotions and pleasure Manipura (solar plexus chakra): Power and will

Anahata (heart chakra): Love and compassion

What are the 5 Subtle Bodies?

There are five subtle bodies in the human system according to yogic tradition. They are the annamaya kosha (physical body), pranamaya kosha (energy body), manomaya kosha (mental body), vijnanamaya kosha (wisdom body) and anandamaya kosha (bliss body). Each of these bodies is composed of a different type of energy, which vibrates at a different frequency.

The physical body is the densest and heaviest, while the bliss body is the lightest and most refined. The physical body is made up of gross matter and is sustained by food. The energy body is made up of prana, or life force energy.

This is what animates the physical body and keeps it alive. The mental body consists of thoughts, emotions and desires. It’s lighter than the physical and energy bodies, but denser than the wisdom and bliss bodies.

The wisdom body contains our higher knowledge and understanding. It connects us to universal consciousness. The bliss body is pure bliss consciousness itself.

It’s said to be infinite, eternal and ever-changing. Each of these bodies interacts with each other and affects our overall wellbeing. When one or more of these bodies are out of balance, it can lead to physical, mental or emotional problems.

What are the Three Elements of Subtle Body?

There are three elements of the subtle body: the prana, the mind and the ego. The prana is the life force that animates the body and gives us our vitality. It is said to be located in the heart.

The mind is the seat of our thoughts, emotions and desires. It is said to be located in the head. The ego is our sense of self-identity and individuality.

It is said to be located in the solar plexus.

What are the Elements of Subtle Body?

In her blog post, “Yoga of the Subtle Body,” yoga teacher and author Tias Little discusses the importance of the subtle body in yoga practice. The subtle body is made up of the nadis (energy channels) and chakras (energy centers) that circulate energy throughout the body. By working with the subtle body, we can release blockages and create balance in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

There are many different interpretations of the subtle body, but most agree that it is made up of energy centers and channels through which this energy flows. These energy centers are often referred to as chakras, and they each have their own unique vibration and purpose. The subtle body is also believed to be connected to the physical body through the nadis, or energy channels.

Although the exact nature of the subtle body is still largely unknown, it is clear that it plays an important role in our overall health and well-being.

Yoga of the Subtle Body Pdf

The Yoga of the Subtle Body is a powerful tool for those who wish to understand and work with the energies of the body. It can be used to improve health, vitality and well-being, as well as to develop greater sensitivity and attunement to the subtle aspects of reality. This book is divided into four main sections: an introduction to the yoga of the subtle body; an exploration of the major energy centres or chakras; a section on working with specific areas of the body; and finally, some guidance on using these techniques in daily life.

Each chapter begins with a description of one of the key concepts involved in understanding and working with subtle energies. This is followed by a series of exercises designed to help readers develop a practical experience of that particular concept. The book also includes many helpful illustrations, which serve both as teaching aids and as reminders when practicing at home.

Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for many years, The Yoga of the Subtle Body will provide you with valuable insights into this profound system for self-transformation.


In her blog post, “Yoga of the Subtle Body,” yoga teacher and author Tias Little discusses the importance of the subtle body in yoga practice. The subtle body is made up of the nadis (energy channels) and chakras (energy centers) that circulate energy throughout the body. By working with the subtle body, we can release blockages and create balance in our physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

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